Contact us

Bunratty Haven (easy to find, hard to leave)

Lorraine McInerney
Bunratty Haven B&B
Clonmoney North
Co. Clare
Eircode V95 RK29

Latitude is 52.717215 Longitude is -8.830068

Tel: Within Ireland 086 8145704
Tel: From USA/Canada 011 353 86 8145704
Tel: From UK/Europe 00 353 86 8145704

Contact us directly to avail of best prices and special offers
Email for Reservations & Enquiries:

Directions from Shannon Airport:
Follow the N18 heading towards Limerick. Take exit 7 off the motorway. At the top of the exit turn left, then take 2nd left and we are the first house on the left.
Directions from Limerick:
Follow the N18 heading towards Shannon. Drive 1 km past the Bunratty exit and take exit 7 off the motorway. At the top of the exit, turn right, then take the 3rd left and we are the first house on the left.